Om & Bass Festival - Meal Package

110,00 € each


Pay for your delicious vegan & vegetarian meals for the festival here!
The package includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for all the days of the festival.
The first meal will be Thursday evening. Each day’s meals are 35 euros per person x 3 for the whole event: total of 105 euros for food from Thursday to Sunday.
On Thursday only dinner will be included. Friday and Saturday will have 3 meals. Sunday will have breakfast and lunch only.
*** If you do not wish to buy the package and eat only some of the meals you can buy your food tickets upon arrival for 15 euros per meal per person.


Who we are

We are a family-driven business with passion for life, love for the nature, passion for music, dance and quality cuisine. Our vision is to promote well-being through nature-related actions by offering our visitors a unique and unforgettable experience!

You are welcome to meet us in person!               

Our full story here...